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Liver – Nature’s Powerhouse

Liver – Nature’s Powerhouse

5 GOOD REASONS TO EAT MORE LIVER Liver is one of the most nutrient-dense foods around. By far the best source of B12. Contains all the fat soluable vitamins, A, D, E and K. Contains iron, in its most bio-available form. Liver is the best source of copper (which many of us are deficient in) and also a good source of zinc and chromium. Contrary to the belief that the liver is a storage organ for toxins it does in fact neutralise toxins with the help of the nutrients you obtain from liver. Toxins are more likely to be stored in fat tissues. Eating liver is one of the best ways to aid good liver function.   CHICKEN LIVER PATE RECIPE Ingredients – 150g butter (from grass fed cows), 250g organic chicken livers, 1 large chopped onion, 2 crushed garlic cloves, 1 dessertspoon of brandy, 2 tbsp creme fraiche, sprig of thyme, sea salt to taste. Method – Gently fry the chicken livers with the thyme in half of the butter for around 3 minutes on each side till cooked but slightly pink in the centre. Add the brandy and cook for a further minute. Remove the livers from the pan, discard the thyme and blend in a food processor. Add the rest of the butter and the chopped onion to the pan cooking gently till soft, add in the garlic in at the end until cooked. Put all the contents in to the food processor on top of the liver and blend till smooth. Finally add the creme fraiche and blend till smooth.

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Signs you may have a B12 deficiency

Signs you may have a B12 deficiency

B12 deficiency lurks silently but common symptoms and commonalities include – Poor memory, a decline in cognition, dementia or Alzheimer diagnosis MS or other neurological disorders Constant tiredness and low energy Autism spectrum disorders Bipolar, depression, anxiety A smooth tongue Muscle weakness and problems walking Pale skin   B12 deficiency is a widespread silent epidemic. The Framingham Offspring Study showed that 40% of people between 26 and 83 had low enough plasma B12 levels to experience neurological symptoms. Unfortunately it is not routinely tested and many people have ‘normal’ B12 results as the laboratory low end of the reference range is too low. I would suggest this test, which measures levels of the biologically-active component of vitamin B12, thought to be the best early indicator of vitamin B12 deficiency. Those mostly at risk are vegans, vegetarians (B12 is found ONLY in animal products), the elderly, pregnant women, regular users of acid suppressing drugs, those on diabetic drugs like Metaformin, sufferers of Crohn’s disease, IBS, coeliac disease or ulcerative colitis and women with a history of miscarriages or infertility. Interestingly children brought up on a vegan diet up to the age of 6 have been shown to be B12 deficient even years after they started to eat some kind of animal product. See study on vegan children here. In the elderly B12 deficiency is often associated with gastritis, see study here. B12 is vital for energy, the formation of blood cells, and for the proper functioning and health of nerve tissue. If left untreated B12 deficiency can lead to anaemia as well as nerve and brain damage that is sometimes irreversible. Foods highest in B12 are liver, beef, shellfish, oily fish, eggs and milk, but even those eating large amounts of B12 rich foods can be deficient due to poor gut health. It is critical to heal the gut through elimination of inflammatory causing foods with the addition of gelatin rich foods and appropriate herbs or supplementation. Supplementation when necessary is easy. Buy B12 oral spray here. “Many members of the Pernicious Anaemia Society use the spray to keep their B12 levels topped up between injections, because the spray is so potent (one spray is equal to 12,000% of the recommended daily intake) and because it enters the bloodstream straight away!”  Martyn Hooper, Chair of the Pernicious Anaemia Society. So next time you have a ‘senior moment’ perhaps you need to consider B12.

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Soothing Vitamin C Drink

Soothing Vitamin C Drink

THE DRINK This is one of my go to beverages to ease inflammation, soothe the nerves, help the liver do its job and keep stress hormones down. This soothing Vitamin C drink is wonderful for this time of year too. It just feels good. Oranges contain Vitamin C, Magnesium, fibre, protein, Potassium, Phosphorus, Calcium, Iron, Selenium, Manganese, Copper, Zinc and small amounts of other vitamins and minerals. Add to this some raw honey, collagen and a pinch of salt and you have a great anti-stress, anti-inflammatory, immune boosting drink.     METHOD Juice 2 or 3 oranges or use a glass of smooth orange juice from a carton. In a small bowl add 2 teaspoons of gelatin – Buy gelatin here  – cover with 3 tablespoons of water and leave for 10 minutes to ‘bloom’. You can add 1 tablespoon of the ready prepared hydrolysed collagen instead, but sometimes gelatin is preferred. Add the orange juice to a small saucepan with a cup of water. Warm up and stir in the prepared gelatin or hydrolysed collagen, stirring until dissolved. Stir in 2 teaspoons of raw honey and a pinch of sea salt. Drink.

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Restlessness – 5 tips to restfulness

Restlessness – 5 tips to restfulness

A restless mind can feel like a real curse with ruminating thoughts, forward and backward thinking, recycling and regurgitating, always planning, rarely being in the moment. Rafaella Monne who lived to 107 on the island of Sardinia said “Life is short. Don’t run so fast you miss it”. I think she embraced every moment and lived a full and present life. Homeostasis is from the Greek phrase ‘standing still’ and when we reflect on that for a moment we come to understand our body is contantly trying to regulate and be regular, physically and emotionally. It is quite a calming thought in itself! Sometimes restlessness and busyness comes from trying to escape from something and so we distract ourselves by always doing, planning, pleasure seeking and hedonism. We can become entrenched in the chattering monkey in our heads blaming, judging, stressing, ruminating and so it go’s on. You CAN become unstuck and experience the joy that comes from real peace and relaxation. Peace of mind allows you to experience real freedom. Practice being still. Take 5 minutes morning and evening to settle with 7/11 breathing. Breath in for 7 out for 11. Put both hands over your heart and practice feeling appreciative, thankful and grateful. An appreciative heart is good medicine. Stop desiring constant entertainment from talking, phones, TV, over the top socializing. Find peace within yourself. Decide that rumination is unhealthy and pointless. Write down any thoughts and feelings that have been troubling you and notice how the act of writing itself can bring a sense of freedom. Walk daily immersing yourself in the world around you. The air, sounds, the earth beneath your feet. Make this a disciplined time where you are completely out of your head. Be grateful for small things. You are rich if you have food on the table, a roof over your head and companionship. Acknowledge your feelings and validate them. Sometimes we are like an onion. Layers that have built up over the years that need peeling back to reveal peace and comfort.  

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Restless Leg Syndrome Treatment

Restless Leg Syndrome Treatment

Restless leg syndrome a condition of the nervous system is a very common but disturbing problem. It expresses itself as an overwhelming feeling and urge to keep your legs moving. It can feel like a creeping, crawling sensation up the legs and is relieved by moving. It is uncomfortable and disturbing and is often worse at night, during pregnancy and is common in those with diabetes, anemia and rheumatoid arthritis though anyone even children can complain of it.   5 TOP TIPS TO ALLEVIATE RESTLESS LEGS Ensure magnesium levels are replenished and often a good quality therapeutic dose of magnesium will fix the problem. We had wonderful feedback from a gentleman of 95 who had suffered with terrible night time restless legs and after his first dose of ReMag the problem resolved. Cramping and muscle tightness is often due to electrolyte and mineral depletion so ensure adequate amounts of calcium, salt, potassium, iron and magnesium are part of your diet. Good sources of iron are liver, molasses, nettle tea and dark chocolate. Do some moderate exercise, walking daily. Take Epsom salt baths for relaxation and transdermal mineral absorption. Reduce stress, taking time out to relax and be mindful.

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Atrial Fibrillation – Remineralize your heart

Atrial Fibrillation – Remineralize your heart

Palpitations, arrhythmia, atrial fibrillation – how the right magnesium makes a difference. Atrial Fibrillation, an electrical disruption of the rhythm of the heart, is occurring in epidemic proportions. Medicine says there is no cure and only offers drugs and surgery for the symptoms. Because of my own heart palpitations, I searched for an effective treatment for many years. That treatment I found is based on the right kind of magnesium – one that doesn’t give you a laxative effect – well-absorbed multiple minerals and proper hydration with water and sea salt or Himalayan salt. Giving your heart the necessary minerals overcomes the electrical disruption and balances your heart rhythm. Atrial Fibrillation: Remineralize Your Heart walks you through the possible triggers for this condition and uncovers their basis in magnesium deficiency. Numerous case histories help you realize that you don’t necessarily have a heart condition, you have a magnesium deficiency condition that can be treated. Dr Carolyn Dean’s new book ‘Atrial Fibrillation’ is available now to download on your kindle. Atrial Fibrillation – Remineralize your heart

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Ignorance and Neglect

Ignorance and Neglect

The thyroid gland is a butterfly-shaped gland situated in the neck just below the Adams Apple. The thyroid controls metabolism (which is why poor thyroid function can inhibit weight loss no matter how much you exercise) and nearly every other aspect of health including mood, energy and circulation. Thyroid damage can lead to underactivity (hypothyroidism), overactivity (hyperthyroidism), thyroid inflammation (thyroiditis), and thyroid cancer. I often hear of women who have been given anti-depressants because they go to their GP with low mood, depression and anxiety. But what if the depression is a symptom of something else. The anxiety/depression can often caused by an undiagnosed thyroid condition and because in this country unless you have a private full thyroid screening your GP will mostly only test the practically useless TSH (Thyroid Stimulating Hormone). This is NOT a good indicator at all and you may feel like you are banging your head against the wall when you are told your results are ‘normal’ and you fall within the range. People can go for years without being treated properly and instead may be put on other medication with the root cause of their complaints not being addressed. There is a long list of symptoms here which you may find yourself in including feeling the cold, anxiety, painful joints, IBS, constantly tired, poor B12 and iron absorption, cracked heels and more. Even if you are prescribed Thyroxine this still often doesn’t work well I think its safe to say we have an epidemic of thyroid disease. Hormones and thyroid disease. It is a real travesty for the untreated walking wounded. I recently met someone who initially complained of inflammation of the the joints, so this is the root the medics have gone down, but on speaking further for years she has suffered many other thyroid symptoms but has been told time and time again her thyroid is fine. She knows it is not. So next time a person in authority tells you your results are normal, but you still feel bad seek help from elsewhere, perhaps with us. The secret to getting ahead is getting started  – Mark Twain

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Toxic beauty, not with Noah

Toxic beauty, not with Noah

The beauty industry magazine In-Cosmetics stated that a woman absorbs 4lb 6oz of chemicals from toiletries and make-up every year. Shampoo, conditioner, shower gel and soaps, hairspray and hair dye, perfume, make-up, deodorant and the like accumulate to this huge chemical overload. One of the toxic ingredients, parabens have been thought to behave like the female sex hormone oestrogen which can encourage breast tumour growth and indeed traces of these chemicals have been found in breast tumour samples. On a daily basis we are bombarded with a cocktail of chemicals; sprays on our food, that food often cocooned in hormone altering plastic, pollutants in the air and not to mention the junk we smother on our skin, our largest organ covering about 18 square feet of our bodies. You can reduce this toxic overload, and it is important to do so. One way is to use more natural skin and hair care. I am lucky enough to try out everything before we decide to stock it. The new hair care range from Italy called Noah ticks all the boxes for me. I have been using Noah Thickening Shampoo and the Noah Restructuring Cream and absolutely love them. Toxic free, beautiful sleek packaging, gorgeous scents and they leave your hair beautifully nourished.  A simple way to take care of yourself, with small daily gestures. It is a concept developed according to different criteria, to solve and correct specific imbalances. The single products are made according to natural principles, from mixes of essential oils of beneficial properties. Pure essences with the only purpose to cleanse, revitalize and moisturize the skin and the hair, only using healthy ingredients with botanical composition and targeted effects. NOAH hair care is the result of advanced researches based on innovative scientific technologies. Each single product of the line contains high synergistic concentrations of pure essential oils, extracted from plants and flowers, according to the most traditional and ancient extraction techniques. The precious therapeutic powers, the aromas, and colours that characterise each essence are preserved in a totally natural way, without using harmful chemical additives. Enjoy.

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Butterflies and SSRI’s

Butterflies and SSRI’s

GUT FEELINGS Have you ever wondered about the sensation of butterflies in your stomach when you are worried or anxious about something? That you may have to run to the toilet when you are upset? When you are feeling uptight your digestion shuts down and you experience bloating and indigestion? Your thoughts affect your gut and your gut status effects your mental health. Around 70% of your immune system is found in your gut and now it has been shown to have the greatest concentration of serotonin, a neurotransmitter, and not the brain as we have been lead to believe. The gut has for some time now been called the ‘second brain’ because while it talks to the brain, it also has the ability to act independently and influence behavior. The vagus nerve, sometimes know as the ‘wandering nerve’, which extends from the brainstem to the abdomen by way of multiple organs including the heart, esophagus, and lungs sends message upstream from the gut to the brain as well as travelling downstream through the vagus nerve from your conscious mind (via efferent nerves), alerting your organs to create an inner peace so you can rest and heal during times of safety, or prepare your body for fight-or-flight in threatening situations. “The notion that the state of our gut governs our state of mind dates back more than 100 years. Many 19th- and early 20th-century scientists believed that accumulating wastes in the colon triggered a state of “auto-intoxication,” whereby poisons emanating from the gut produced infections that were in turn linked with depression, anxiety and psychosis. Patients were treated with colonic purges and even bowel surgeries until these practices were dismissed as quackery.” – Scientific American Many research papers are now pointing to the fact that probiotics are showing positive results in those suffering with anxiety and depression. Optibac ‘for everyday’ probiotics contains 2 specific bacteria strains proven to help reduce negative thoughts associated with sad mood. ANTIDEPRESSANTS With studies now showing that those with anxiety and depression actually have HIGH serotonin and not low are SSRI’s (Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors) such as Prozac, Citalopram, Xanax etc the answer? SSRI’s work by preventing the reuptake (movement back into the nerve endings) of serotonin. This makes more serotonin available for use in your brain, which is thought to improve your mood. SSRI’s (Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors) are believed to ease depression by enhancing levels of Serotonin to the brain. With 95% of the Serotonin in the body living in the digestive system, diverting  Serotonin from their natural receptors to the brain can increase anxiety, alter sleep patterns, cause sexual dysfunction and adversely affect the cardiovascular region. Balancing Serotonin production in the gut is vital to restoring the balance. The chemical imbalance theory was never proven and in 1983 the National Institute of mental health concluded there was NO evidence that there is anything wrong in the serotonergic system of depressed patients. Much research has taken place since and last September, the National Institute of Mental Health awarded four grants worth up to $1 million each to spur new research on the gut microbiome’s role in mental disorders, affirming the legitimacy of a field that had long struggled to attract serious scientific credibility.   Balance Emotional Health Through Nutrition Ensure you get enough sun and if this is impossible supplement with Vitamin D until your levels are adequate. Eat good quality saturated fat. Butter from grass fed cows, coconut oil, olive oil. Eat fermented foods like Kimchi, Sauerkraut, Kefir, Kombucha etc. Take a good quality probiotic like Optibac shown to help anxiety. Probiotics are carefully prepared friendly bacteria that replenish the microbial balance. Use good quality unrefined salt. Walk daily, being mindful and taking in your surroundings. Practice appreciation and gratitude. Consider magnesium. Studies show that low serum magnesium levels were associated with depressive symptoms. under par. Studies show that St. John’s wort can be as effective as antidepressants in treating mild to moderate depression. Consider the bitter herb Andrographis for gut dysbiosis. – a new way of thinking, a new way of life   STUDIES AND RESEARCH PAPERS Psychobiotics Too much serotonin Can the bacteria in your gut explain your mood Rhodiola for mild to moderate depression Serotonin, depression and aggression

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