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Sweet Solitude

Sweet Solitude

The Call Of Solitude – alone but not lonely Solitude is a state of being alone, but not lonely and can lead to greater self-awareness After a recent few days away I have become more aware of the significance of experiencing quietness and peace, some time apart from the treadmill that can often become part of our every day lives. Though we accept and know that for the majority of us this is how life just is, often busy and full,  and it can be fulfilling and enjoyable, when you step off, just for a while, a sense of truly being reveals itself. It’s so easy and somehow addictive to keep going, always working, never stopping, perhaps afraid to stop. Wandering through nature and embracing all that it has to offer is indeed a healing time and I became conscious that this is the true meaning of being alive; really noticing the sky and cloud formations, the infinite abundance of flowers and plants, the rough ground beneath my feet, the croak of a frog, the heady scent of orange blossom, sometimes intermingled with the not so quite appealing scent of the wild goats, brings connectiveness and a feeling of being at one with the earth once again. I read recently of a lady who spent some time on one of the remote Orkney islands to write about overcoming alcoholism and what struck a chord with me was how she explained that at first she would venture out on these long purposeful walks but as she settled in to solitary island life these walks became immersive. Small details, previously gone unnoticed would emerge and she would take time over a small area of ground, becoming conscious and aware of ‘unseen’ treasures. It is during these times spent alone and in thought that we can truly begin to reconnect with ourselves and in fact others. How can we genuinely have time to connect with our hearts and so make thoughtful decisions if we are constantly bombarded by phones and TV and even people. We live in an era where alienation is feared, yet independence is worshipped and now more than ever we need solitude. We are overconnected in a fast pace society that leaves little room for contemplation. We are constantly ‘in touch’, and yet in some ways we are more out of touch than ever. The need for genuine solitude is a much needed tonic and reviver of the spirits. How special are those moments of rising early, experiencing the morning dew, bird song and the scent of earth in the air. Quiet and healing times to energise and restore, to notice life in minute detail, to experience appreciation and reconnect with the real meaning of what it means to be alive. It is during these times in quiet solitude we can contemplate without bombardment from external influences. We can be wholly in the moment allowing us to sensitively experience our thoughts and feelings. Time alone allows for profound self-awareness to emerge and for the human spirit to flourish. It is a time for reflection, inner searching and growth. “I live in that solitude which is painful in youth, but delicious in the years of maturity.” – Albert Einstein

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Running, bus conductors and the heart

Running, bus conductors and the heart

Research has shown that music conductor’s have some of the healthiest hearts.   Is it due to the arm waving around the heart, strengthening the heart muscle? Or perhaps, as I am more likely to believe due to the music, reducing inflammation, producing a calming, healing effect on the body.   Jeremy N. Morris, a British epidemiologist whose comparison of heart-attack rates among double-decker bus drivers and conductors in London in the late 1940s and early ’50s laid the scientific groundwork for the modern aerobics movement, died Oct. 28 in Hampstead, London. He was 99 ½. His research showed how beneficial walking is, and those working in the postal service delivering the mail on foot or by bike, had a much lower incidence of heart attacks than than the clerks behind the desk. Moderation is key – “For now, on the basis of animal and human data, CV benefits of vigorous aerobic ET appear to accrue in a dose-dependent fashion up to about 1 hour daily, beyond which further exertion produces diminishing returns and may even cause adverse CV effects in some individuals.” Potential Adverse Cardiovascular Effects From Excessive Endurance Exercise In one study, British researchers examined 12 runners and rowers with an average age of 57, who each had completed a total of 43 years of consistent training and 178 marathons, 65 ultramarathons, and 4 Ironman triathlons. Half of the athletes showed signs of fibrosis, or scarring of heart tissue, compared to none of age-matched “non-exercising” controls. If exercise has become addictive or unhealthy read Ben Greenfield’s article below. Top 10 reasons exercise is bad for you So many people partake in strenuous exercise without the adequate support and nutrition to protect them through times where the body is undergoing physical stress. We know that long term endurance exercise causes heart scarring with at least 5 studies confirming that 50% of those finishing the marathon are shown to have elevated levels of cardiac enzymes, the same chemicals released during a heart attack. If you do partake in marathons, Ironman contests, triathlons and the like, take care of your heart. Always ensure good stores of magnesium, absolutely essential for proper functioning of the heart and to help reduce inflammation.

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It’s not the load that breaks you down, but the way you carry it.

It’s not the load that breaks you down, but the way you carry it.

………. and what you need to know about stress. Doesn’t this beautiful picture evoke a sense of calm. The world seems to really crave peace and tranquility but it sometimes appears to be like a pot of gold at the end of the rainbow. In sight, but practically unobtainable. A sense of stillness within allows the body in it’s infinite wisdom to be healthy, adaptable and resilient. I meet and receive many emails from people suffering from chronic stress but stress can sometimes creep in the back door and not seem like stress as we know it. We think of broken relationships, illness in a family, moving house, job worries, which of course can be extremely stressful, but often stress can be an insidious part of your life. Worry, irritation, discontent, ingratitude, jealousy and resentment are all negative emotions that cause the same reactions in the body. They are a low grade, depleting stress, seemingly innocuous but actually quite damaging. The limbic system in the brain control emotions and what you think has a direct affect on the hypothalmus, which directly affects hormones and the immune system. Remember – your emotions directly effect your health. YOU REALLY ARE WHAT YOU THINK YOU ARE – think good thoughts   Chronic stress – Increases inflammation in arthritis and other inflammatory health issues Weakens immunity Causes poor concentration, brain fog and mental exhaustion Prevents the thyroid from working effectively, inhibiting the release of the thyroid hormone from the thyroid gland Increases risk of cancer and other diseases Causes insulin resistance, worsening diabetes or even triggering a diabetic state It’s not the load that breaks you down, but the way you carry it. Fortunately we have ‘adaptogens’. Natural agents that decrease the over production of cortisol, protect the adrenal glands, alleviate anxiety and depression and support the immune system. Which is the right adaptogen for you? Ashwagandha – Calming Improves sleep Supports the thyroid Supports the adrenals Reduces inflammation and oxidative stress Reduces stress induced high blood pressure Holy Basil – Improves energy and reduces fatigue Improves mood and alleviates depression Balances blood sugar Anti-inflammatory May help nicotine withdrawal Rhodiola Rosea – Reduces irritability and anxiety Improves mental and physical stamina Boosts immunity Often used for chronic fatigue and fibromyalgia Beneficial for poor appetite Helpful for chronic stress headaches   It’s not what happens to you, but how you react to it that matters. Epictetus

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How to Make a Perfect Banana Lassi

How to Make a Perfect Banana Lassi

This Banana Lassi recipe is a favourite of mine; refreshing and comforting at the same time. If you don’t like banana you could swap this for a very ripe mango. The name ‘Lassi’ is given to a yoghurt based drink that originates from India where traditionally spices are added along with fruit and a sweetener. Cardamom is added to this Lassi and is wonderful for the digestive system. Perfect for breakfast or pre/post-workout. Banana Lassi Recipe In a smoothie maker or blender add ~ 1 banana (2 if you are extra hungry or about to embark on some strenuous exercise!) 1/2 cup of full fat cows milk or other milk 1/2 cup of Greek yoghurt ( I use Fage Total) 1/2 teaspoon of ground cardamom (you could use a 1/4 tsp of cinnamon here) 1 to 2 teaspoons of runny honey Pinch of salt Blend up until smooth. Happy Days.

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Hay fever – 8 ways to build resistance now

Hay fever – 8 ways to build resistance now

Spring seems to be on the way with the appearance of buds and daffodils, birdsong and brighter days. A lovely feeling is in the air of new life and opportunities. We welcome this seasonal change and look forward to enjoying all that a beautiful spring has to offer. With dandelions and detoxifying herbs, wild garlic and longer days. For many, spring time can herald the start of sneezing attacks, itchy eyes and throat and the feeling of being perpetually run down with the constant attack from allergens. Hay fever can begin in early spring and continue all through the summer and it can be impossible to enjoy the bright, sunny days when you suffer from allergy symptoms when venturing outside. The best strategy is to build up your immune system before symptoms appear.. Hay fever/chronic rhinitis is an over reaction to something that the body should, and can, usually handle so the key here is to have a strong immune system. When you encounter an allergen, be it food, pollen or a dusty room an antibody is produced releasing histamine which causes itching, swelling and inflammation. It is important to start preparing and strengthening the immune system now.   Beat hay fever naturally ~ before the season gets under way   Eat foods rich in bromelain, an enzyme found in pineapple and papaya, which is particularly effective at reducing inflammation, pain and allergies. Consume foods rich in quercetin, a type of flavonoid antioxidant that has been shown to reduce inflammation, allergies, hayfever and support the respiratory system. Foods include parsley, capers, onions, black plums, apples and berries. Quercetin also acts as a zinc ionophore, a compound that can transport zinc ions across a cell membrane, increasing intracellular zinc concentrations. Reduce or eliminate foods you know you don’t tolerate well. Bread and wheat products can be particularly hard on the digestive system and can lower immunity. You may also find that mucus forming foods like milk and cheese also make your symptoms worse, so listen to your body. For mild to medium hay fever take Optibac ‘for every day’. Research increasingly points to the gut being the seat of a healthy immune system so it stands to reason if you balance your gut bacteria immunity will improve and strengthen.    Also begin to take Bee Prepared Daily Defense Immune Support. Before the hay fever season starts take 2 capsules daily, increasing if necessary when the pollen count is higher. For severe hay fever and chronic rhinitis take Optibac ‘for every day extra strength‘ and Black seed oil capsules. In studies Black seed oil ‘the remedy for everything’ has been shown to reduce nasal itching, runny nose, sneezing fits and nasal congestion during the first 2 weeks. Black seed oil versus hay fever. Increase vitamin C through diet or supplement with wholefood Vitamin C. Drink Nettle tea to reduce inflammation and ease nasal congestion. Don’t compromise your immune system by being in a state of constant stress. Consider Holy Basil ‘The Incomparable One’. More studies on the remarkable black seed (nigella sativa) – FOOTNOTE: My recent research has lead me to the benefits of Reishi mushroom as studies show it acts as a natural anti-histamine and helps reduce hay-fever symptoms, allergies and eczema.

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Loneliness and a nutrient deficit in a world of abundance Studies are now showing that there has been a 50% rise in children on antidepressants in the last 7 years. But antidepressants double the risk of suicide in these vulnerable children. Something HAS to change.   What a sad state of affairs. What is going on here? These children will grow up into very likely depressed adults with challenging relationships and so the cycle continues. Only recently I met a woman in her late 80’s, still sad, fearful and depressed since her father’s suicide when she was a child. She hadn’t been able to recover. It is so sad that this dear lady in her twilight years was still feeling like the child from decades earlier, alone, sad and hurt. We sat for a while, I let her talk while she drank sweet tea. She was a lonely lady. Her family rarely visited and she was in a home for the elderly. She felt too young to be there! She was an accomplished painter and her sense of purpose had diminished. I felt that the time we spent together was more nourishing than any vitamin pill. I meet people, who are literally starving. Starving of love, of being heard, appreciated, noticed; children who are bullied at school, don’t fit in at university, feel alienated at work, are lonely in their relationships and so we have these very hurt and wounded people walking around with their invisible scars. Emptiness is described as a human condition generalised by social alienation, boredom and apathy. Feelings of emptiness often accompany depression, loneliness and despair or other mental/emotional disorders. Take heed though because emptiness can also come about from a life of self seeking and hedonism. Caring for others often fills the void of emptiness and is therapy in itself. Showing interest in others is one sure way of feeling more content and fulfilled. Surely we can support those around us who feel lonely. WHO (The World Health Organisation) describes health as ‘a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity‘. It is possible that when becoming too wrapped up in our own lives we don’t even recognise the void in others. We become quite detached from people, our fellow beings. Loneliness is a huge problem, but with a little care for others we can all do our bit. Take time to engage in conversation, show interest. You might just make someone’s day. You may know of someone who perhaps needs support through times of sadness, anxiety and depression. They could be helped immensely with extra nutritional supplementation. It is vital for physical and emotional well being that you are supported nutritionally. Poor diet, poor absorption and stress deplete a person of nutrients that they really need through challenging times. Anyone suffering from depression really needs to ensure they have optimal levels of vitamins and minerals. So many illnesses, probably most, come about from nutrient deficiency. We have access to more food groups than ever before and yet there are so many nutrient deficient people. It may be causing the brain fog, the low mood, the aching muscles, low immunity etc. Vitamin B, Holy Basil and Magnesium are all really supportive when suffering from emotional upset. Many studies show that those with anxiety and depression are often deficient in certain vitamins and minerals. Holy Basil is very much indicated in alleviating nervousness and emotional upset. Holy Basil is nourishing and may help a person feel more robust and stable. These suggestions are not exhaustive and there are many useful herbs and nutrients for emotional well-being. Californian Poppy is lovely for children and adults alike, and may help with tummy pain, bad dreams and nervousness, anxiety and restlessness. Depression can also often be caused by hypothyroidism. When the thyroid isn’t functioning properly you can feel very depressed and it seems that many women take antidepressants when in fact the root cause may be a thyroid issue. New in stock is our Viridian Thyroid Complex containing all the nutrients to support healthy thyroid function. Read more about the thyroid here. For more nutritional support please contact us. LET US CARE MORE, NOT CARE LESS. The fact is that people are good, Give people affection and security, and they will give affection and be secure in their feelings and their behavior. Abraham Maslow

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Winter viruses – B V Lamb, Medical Herbalist

Winter viruses – B V Lamb, Medical Herbalist

Reports from across the UK speak of rapidly debilitating viral attacks that don’t look like the usual ‘winter flu’. Just why do these viruses appear mostly in the winter? The answer may cause you to establish an anti-viral strategy.     Viruses are mostly opportunistic like a housebreaker who will target a house in darkness with no appearance of occupancy.     In times past, autumn and winter was a time when people ate less and slept more – a sort of semi-hibernation. The circa-annual rhythm of nature was respected, if not mindfully but circumstantially. Food was in short supply and the nights were long. Nowadays, every day of the year is the same. Electric lights and entertainment have wiped out an innate need to respond to the yearly energy flux. Food stores allow us to eat totally inappropriate foods completely out of season. Several years ago, a woman booked an appointment with me suffering from almost continuous ‘flu-like symptoms all the year round. On taking a case history, I noted that she ate a large salad every day of the year, perceiving it to be ‘healthy’. I supplied a herbal anti-debility tonic and advised against salads except in a narrow band in the summer. She totally regained her health. Recall the advice of Nicolas Culpepper, a famous London herbalist (1616 – 1664): “cucumber is cold in the third degree, if it were one degree colder it would be a poison”. Supermarket salads fly off the shelves in these cold months to aid and abet opportunistic viruses – especially those that target the lungs.. If you want to safeguard against opportunistic winter viruses, eat less but select the warming root vegetables, especially from the moisture-condensing onion family. Garlic, ginger, galangal, pepper, cinnamon, horseradish and chilli peppers are all antiviral and antibacterial and may be used as tasty preventatives.     By all means exercise moderately (but not late in the evening), and get to bed earlier. Rise earlier too, commensurate with the added energy of ‘an hour before midnight being worth two after’. A good quality Echinacea builds immunity in children and adults whilst elderberry drops acts similarly for babies. During the migration west across the United States, it was discovered that dropping a silver dollar into a milk churn caused the milk to remain fresher much longer. These migrants had discovered the antibacterial and antiviral properties of silver. Eating breakfast from a silver (solid or plated) spoon most definitely is a good preventative and what better for a mother to feed her newly weaned baby from a solid silver spoon? Winter viruses are opportunistic but you can do much to deter them. Brian V Lamb – Consulting Medical Herbalist Botanica Comment We find that supporting the immune system through the winter can reduce and sometimes halt any occurrences of winter influenza and viruses. You can take a preventative dose (10ml at night) of our proprietary Echinacea, ensure your Vitamin D levels are adequate, and for its powerful immune support, antiviral effects and for those with chronic infections the Pukka Mushroom Gold is very powerful. Prevention is always more favourable than cure, but if you do come down with a virus, herbs are ideal in this situation.

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Easy Pineapple Panna Cotta

Easy Pineapple Panna Cotta

An anti-infammatory, anti-ageing, soothing dessert. And it tastes amazing. Very quick and easy. Easy Pineapple Panna Cotta Ingredients 600 ml double cream 400 ml fresh pineapple juice ½ teaspoon vanilla extract 130g caster sugar 2 ½ tsp gelatin powder Serves 8 Method                     Start by soaking gelatin in cold water (if using powder use 1 part gelatin to two parts water which should be sufficient to allow it to swell – in this case 2 ½ tsp gelatin to 5 tsp water). Whilst the gelatin is soaking, gently heat the cream and dissolve in the sugar.  Add the vanilla extract. Once the gelatin has soaked (it will not feel hard or bitty between your fingers) remove cream from heat and stir in gelatin for a couple of minutes to dissolve. Next stir in the pineapple juice. Pour into moulds and chill for several hours or overnight to set completely. Experiment with other fruits and fruit juices. For example, when peaches are in season you can use their flesh and juice. Have fun!

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Top 10 Health Benefits of Collagen

Top 10 Health Benefits of Collagen

Gelatin has had a revival, and for good reason. Derived from the collagen found in animal bones, collagen protein contains unique anti-inflammatory amino acids, primarily glycine, proline, glutamic acid and alanine. Collagen, the most abundant protein in the body, is one of the major building blocks of skin, bone, muscles, ligaments and tendons. In abundance in youth, collagen production begins to decline around the age of 25. In times gone by jelly, trifle, chicken broth and meat cooked on the bone in stews and casseroles were a common occurrence in households. Making a broth with the chicken carcass from a Sunday roast is still traditional, providing the base of an extremely nutritious meal. Bone broth is highly nutritious containing collagen and all the necessary minerals. “Degenerative and inflammatory diseases can often be corrected by the use of gelatin-rich foods.”     Ray Peat There are many health benefits of collagen and it is very easy to consume with the convenient powdered forms available. THE TOP 10 HEALTH BENEFITS OF COLLAGEN   Anti-aging – improves skin, hair and nails. A key protein in the body, collagen makes up to 25% of the total protein content in the body. Collagen depletion in the body begins in our 20’s, so consuming gelatin/collagen can make a big difference to skin quality. Break down and loss of collagen is the cause of wrinkles and research confirms that collagen found in gelatin reduces the signs of wrinkles. The beneficial minerals calcium, magnesium and phosphorus found in gelatin helps build strong nails and hair. Stomach ulcers – Bone broth or gelatin helps heal the stomach due to amino acids proline and glycine. Gelatin treats ulcers. Helps leaky gut and colitis – gelatin has been found to heal the gut lining and improve inflammatory gut issues. Gut barrier protector and healer. Improves liver detoxification – without enough glycine, the essential amino acid in gelatin the body cannot produce enough glutathione, essential for phase II liver detoxification. Helps arthritis – Collagen contains chondroitin, a supplement often used to support joints, tendons and cartilage. Using gelatin or collagen may dramatically improve degenerate joint conditions. Allergies – many health experts believe allergies are rooted in having a permeable intestinal lining (leaky gut) which allows pathogens in. Healing the gut should reduce allergies. Inflammation – Gelatin has a very unique non-inflammatory amino acid profile. It consist of glycine, glutamic acid, proline and alanine, particularly missing in our western diet, especially when most meals will contain muscle meat rather than that on the bone, making a very hard to digest and break down meal. Anti-cancer – “It has a wide range of anti-tumour actions, including the inhibition of new blood cell formation (angiogenesis), and it has shown protective activity in liver cancer and melanoma.” Ray Peat Anti-stress – The generous supply of glycine in gelatin offers a wonderful anti-stress action and promotes natural sleep. Ideally add 2 teaspoons of prepared gelatin or powdered collagen to hot milk and honey before bed. Hormone balancing – Excess estrogen is a common issue coming from environmental pollution, plastics wrapping our consumables, the contraceptive pill and general stress creating a hormonal imbalance. Glycine has been shown to be anti-estrogenic and helps regulate insulin and prevent hypoglycemia. Read more here on Gelatin, stress, longevity Conveniently you can now purchase our Gelatin granules (which require prior soaking). This can be added to hot drinks or used to make delicious desserts like the Easy Pineapple Panna Cotta.  Alternatively you can purchase our Hydrolysed Collagen Powder or Hunter & Gather 100% Pure Collagen Bovine Peptides. This can be dissolved, without any prior need to soak in to anything hot or cold; smoothies, juice, milky coffee etc. Hydrolysed collagen is a broken down form of gelatin. Adding gelatin to a meal containing only muscle meat (ie. not on the bone) is beneficial. This will help balance the amino acid profile  entering the blood stream.

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