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How Beautiful Can Life Be?

How Beautiful Can Life Be?

“Everyone has inside of him a piece of good news. The good news is that you don’t know how great you can be! How much you can love! What you can accomplish! And what your potential is!” Anne Frank


It is January the 2nd and grey outside. Rain is dripping down the window pane. Some washing that has been out, for I am not sure quite how long, is hanging folorn and forgotten.

But life can still be beautiful. Remember it’s not the weather that makes a day bad. But thinking makes it so.

As I took Bonnie for a walk this morning, and even she looked depressed in the rain, I was looking for signs of life in the hedgerows. The buds coming on some of the branches gave me hope. In the midst of brown and broken there were signs of life and also of life still hanging on in there.

Hang on in there.

Nature is so wonderful and beautiful even in the barrenness of winter. It never disappoints and we know with surety that somewhere in the near future snowdrops will bring such freshness and delicate beauty.

This time of year brings about reflection of the previous year; events, conversations, friendships, family, milestones, failures, highs and lows, and only by reflection can we ponder, and perhaps set in motion self improvement, acceptance, forgiveness, self love, being real, open, honest and at peace.

If you found last year a challenge, you may join the queue.

Scrolling through social media platforms from the rich and famous to the person just getting by it is always apparent what the soul really seeks; nature, peace, acceptance, belonging, being heard and loved.

This year some people in my life have shown me acts of self sacrifice and kindness and I hope I have in some way shown that to others. There truly is more happiness in giving than receiving.

Life can be so beautiful. And it is better when shared.


This year …..


Listen to your heart.

Say yes only when every fibre of your being agrees.

Say no when you really want to say no! And don’t feel bad about it.

Nourish good friendships. They are precious.

Appreciate nature. We are blessed indeed.

Feed your soul. What truly brings you joy.

Don’t dwell on mistakes or failures.

Eat like you love your body.

Laugh and know it is medicine.

Sleep soundly. It is a pillar for good health.

Be grateful.

Live in the now. The most precious thing there is. – “All negativity is caused by an accumulation of psychological time and denial of the present. Unease, anxiety, tension, stress, worry – all forms of fear – are caused by too much future, and not enough presence. Guilt, regret, resentment, grievances, sadness, bitterness, and all forms of non-forgiveness are caused by too much past, and not enough presence.” Eckhart Tolle.

Be honest. Especially with yourself.

Believe in you and know you are deserving of love and happiness.

Be kind to others. The reward is greater than you realise.

Leave behind damaging relationships. Life is too precious to be in conflict.

Wake every morning with a prayer of thanks.

The great Primo Levi survived Auschwitz and went on to write about his experience there. Unlike Anne Frank he was able to escape with his life. Both wrote so beautifully with such raw honesty. One of his poems always reminds me of all we have to be thankful for. He talks of us who live safe and warm in houses, with food and a friendly face to greet us. Not like the men who worked in mud, who knew no peace and fought for a crust of bread. Who died by a yes or a no. Or the women with no hair, empty eyes and a cold womb, like a frog in winter.

He says we should remember this when getting up or lying down and engrave them on our hearts.

We surely are grateful and may 2018 be a year of grace and gratefulness. Love and friendship. Kindness and forgiveness. Joy and laughter.

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