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Cracks at the Corner of the Mouth

Cracks at the Corner of the Mouth

If you have suffered from cracks at the corner of the mouth you will know that simply smiling or eating can be painful. Often this inflammatory condition will clear up on its own but sometimes it can become a chronic issue.


Medically known as angular cheilitis this condition can be due to –

  • Nutritional deficiencies (especially B vitamins, iron, zinc)
  • SIBO (Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth) – causing malabsorption of nutrients
  • Bacterial, fungal or yeast (candida) infections
  • Anaemia
  • Habitual licking of mouth

A variety of other factors can contribute to Angular Cheilitis.

Elderly people can suffer from this condition due to poor nutritional status from hypochlorhydria, which means to have LOW stomach acid, common in aging which in turn leads to poor nutritional absorption.

People with a dry mouth are more likely to develop cracks at the corner of the mouth. This can develop due to dehydration or uncontrolled diabetes.

Autoimmune conditions like Crohn’s disease, lupus and ulcerative colitis can also make you more susceptible.

Treatment options

Cracks at the corner of the mouth

With the correct treatment plan you can smile once again without the dread of cracking open that oh so small, but oh so painful little crack:-)

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